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Gulprasad instructed his driver to take Roomi around the lower town every day, "Just drivearound until Roomi asks you to stop so she can talk to her old street friends."Roomi met many of her erstwhile friends and was delighted to talk with them. After greetingsand small talk she would ask each if they had knowledge of where Mandeep was. Blank looks and headshakes told her she must keep seeking.

Gulprasad never told her why he was seeking Mandeep. But he said if she located him he wouldgive her a large bonus for reasons that he kept to himself. Roomi thought about this senseless drivingaround looking for Mandeep. Why only Mandeep? What connection or business would he have withMandeep? Then she thought about the secret whispers, bits of which she had picked up - he is infertilethey said and has been trying for ages to have his own child. The whispers did not believe his son,Sundram, was his own; and suggested that he had purchased a pregnant girl (Roomi) from the streetsand was passing her child off as his own.

Though those whispers were correct and true, she conceded, yet how does Mandeep come intothe picture? Could he be seeking Mandeep now to make her pregnant again? She giggled quietly. Shewouldn't mind another child...wouldn't mind to lie in Mandeep's arms once again. But she would tellMandeep about his large wealth and his desperation to have another child. She would urge him to askfor more than he had asked the last time. Much, much, more....

"I heard through the grape-wine that you were looking for me, and so have come to meet you.What is it you want?" Mandeep leaned over the polished table with eye-brows raised. His open neckedshirt and clean pressed slacks made him look handsome and smart.

Gulprasad was at a loss for words. He hummed and hawed and ordered coffee to be brought tohis private study room. They chatted of inconsequential things whilst sipping coffee. When will thebugger come to the point, thought Mandeep?

"Well?" Mandeep raised his eye-brows to urge him on.

"Just a moment...let's relax a bit." Gulprasad ordered Vodka to be brought in. "You do drinkVodka?"

Mandeep nodded. Obviously, he thought, Gulprasad had something he was finding awkward tosay and was building courage to say it. After the third large drink he smiled with drunken bonhomieand slapped Mandeep on the back.

"Look my friend, I'll tell you straight and I would expect what I am about to divulge to remainstrictly between us. It is not easy for me to say this or to ask you to do what I am about to propose."First hesitatingly and then in a rush he told Mandeep his proposal, which mirrored what Roomithought might be the reason for the search for Mandeep.

"You can stay here for a month and have Roomi by your side every night until she is with child.Do you accept?"

Mandeep sat for a long while in thought. "I will have to consult with Roomi.""O.K. I'll send for her."

"No, I want to meet her in private."

After the private meeting where they hugged and kissed hard and long, Mandeep emerged."Well, is it all settled, then?"

"Yes, the basics of it. We still have to discuss the terms."

Gulprasad noticed that Mandeep looked flushed - the electricity between them must still work.Which was good, he supposed.

"O.K. so what are your terms? I suppose some money will be involved.""Not only money, but you will have to give me rights to visit."

"Don't get cute. I can always opt for artificial insemination - in vitro or other methods. Don'timagine you are my only option."

"Right, Mr. Bigman, in which case I shall take my wife and son and decamp. I have a thousandwitnesses who will vouch she is married to me. I didn't leave her in your custody without covering myarse. Ask Roomi and she will tell you we were married by a Pundit and I hold a certificate that saysso." Mandeep smiled cruelly.

"Where's the certificate - let me see it." Gulprasad was shaken and was breathing rapidly."Ha haha!" He thought rapidly, "You must take me for a complete fool. You think I wouldbring such a valuable document here with me so you could get your minions to snatch it and destroyit?"

Gulprasad was getting back his wind, "I don't think you have any such document. I think youhave only just made up this story to have a hold on me." He pushed back his chair and stomped off tothe inner rooms.

Mandeep waited; he knew Gulprasad had gone to confront Roomi with this piece of dastardlynews, and he was relieved he had discussed it with her and made his plan. Apparently Gulprasad wasvery fond of the child, Sundram, and doted on him. That would add grist to his advantage. Gulprasademerged dragging Roomi behind him. The sound of a child crying could be heard."I have questioned her," he said "and I know she is lying. I can tell when she is lying. So youcan take your precious self and bugger off."

"No problems, Mr. Gulprasad ji. Let her collect her child...our child, and we will be on ourway; and will not darken your doorstep ever again."

"You will do nothing of the sort, you jumped up scum off the streets! You will leave now, in acivil manner or I shall get my guards to throw you out! Now go on, git, get moving. Get off myproperty."

"O.K. if that's the way you want it. Come on Roomi, get the kid and let's go."Roomi squirmed out of Gulprasad's grip and ran inside. Gulprasad faced Mandeep and raised afinger, "That is not your child and you cannot remove him. He is my son and has been ever since hewas born."

"Well a DNA test will soon settle that."

"It will settle nothing - you sold him to me."

"Aaha, so you also deal in human flesh and slavery!"

Gulprasad was put down and stunned. "What do you want?"

"I told you."

"You can visit twice a year for half an hour."

'Fiddlesticks! If I wish I will visit twice or thrice a week and you will put me up for the nightand feed me."

Gulprasad stood up tall, expanded his chest and looked down his nose and sneered at him,"We'll see."